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Rhode Island native with a love and passion for all things creative--

- Graphic/ Print Design

- Marketing

- Jewelry making and assembing

- All forms of Painting, drawing, mixed-media etc

- Hand-lettering/calligraphy

- Custom Design

- Brand and Business Identity

- Acrylic/Resin works

- Sculpture

and much, much more.


My dream is to own a gift shop with custom/handmade works of my own as well as other local artists to help promote their work for the world to admire and appreciate. 


View my (not current, in-the-process-of-updating) resume below, add me on LinkedIn (in/sarahvmorena) or contact me with any questions, design/creative help, or inquiries you may have. I'm always looking for new connections so don't hesitate to reach out to me.

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